Eagletime NT-8300C Monthly Clock Cards

Price: £24.95
Our ref:  4LMC99
Product Code:  Monthly Clock Cards
Availability:  Out Of Stock
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Type: Monthly

1000 cards per box

Size: 86mm x 188mm

Universal card

Suitable for the majority of clocking on machines including: Computime S-210, T7, Eagle Time, Needtek, ActInTime AT-65DA, ActInTime AT-60AA, ActInTime AT-90D


MC99 Clock Cards: Keep Tracks of the Hours an Employee Works

Today, a lot of businesses are evolving and striving to use systems that will help them to manage their time better. A company’s success depends on how time is utilised by the employees. As the demand grows for high end systems that can help businesses manage time well and keep an eye on workers, clock cards have become the answer to many firms. Clock cards have become important for all businesses because not only does the business learn how to manage time but also knows the employees that need to be rewarded and disciplined. Thanks to clock cards, workers can work normal day shift or start to work during the evening shift and get their pay increased as a result of working during unsociable hours. The use of MC99 clock cards has become the best thing for many individuals and businesses.

Nowadays, companies use various cards such as MC99 clock cards to keep track of how many hours each employee works each week. The employees are expected to use MC99 clock cards every time they arrive and leave work. Technology has helped clock cards to be fully implemented in many firms and have become the best way available of keeping track of hours worked. The clock cards also help to transfer the hours an employee works to the payroll so that they are paid correctly. These cards have made workers take their job more seriously and try as much as possible to save time. Instead of workers failing to meet their targets, they have been pushed to work harder thus earning high commissions, which is not only great for them, but also for the business. Using the MC99 clock cards, employees who perform exceptionally well are recognised by the business and rewarded handsomely. On the other hand, those that perform below average are disciplined to improve their performance.

Any business looking for clock cards should purchase the MC99 clock cards from Clock Cards 4 Less. We are a certified and trustworthy company that deals with supplying clock cards.  Our online store is well stocked, and our prices are the best in the market . Our cards are top notch, and we guarantee that that they are worth investing in because they contribute to your business growth.  Our MC99 clock cards are 86mm x 188mm and come in 500 cards per box. It’s important to note that these cards can be used in various clocking machines which include ActInTime AT-90D, T7, Eagle Time, Needtek, ActInTime AT-65DA, ActInTime AT-60AA and Computime S-210.  We pride ourselves as the best company that deals with clock cards.  When you decide to purchase our MC99 clock cards, your business will never be the same again.